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The Leighton Room has space for up to 24 children aged 2 – 3, all year round. This room has big windows making it light and airy, yet still has a snug and cosy feel to it. The room has a wide range of resources for the children to play with, and different areas set up to encourage children to independently make choices during their play. The children will experience a fun and enjoyable time here in the Leighton Room, with a flexible routine that focuses on what the children need and want.

Each section of our room is set up to support the areas of the EYFS curriculum. We encourage children to explore independently; drawers are labelled with words and photos for children to use freely and resources are set out at child level.

Children enjoy regular circle times where we listen to stories, use Makaton, and join in singing songs. We have developed a calming sensory room that is utilised also as a sleep room; our children love to spend time relaxing in here. Our children enjoy exploring the creative space using a range of media and materials and we are lucky to have our very own garden that enables children to free-flow outside during the day.

Throughout the week, we take observations of the children to celebrate the milestones and progress that they are making in their individual journeys. Child led play or small group times are planned around our children’s interests and development and we encourage lots of free play as a way to discover what it is that really excites them.

Leighton Room children are confident, happy and enjoy all peer and adult interactions.

See what the Leighton Room have been up to this month:

June 2024

This month, the children in Leighton Room have been experimenting, making Father’s Day cards using paint and marble rolling.

A huge highlight was letting Chew, Jam, Racoon, Foxy, and Slaters (the butterflies we watched grow from caterpillars) free. The children took great care of them and were both happy and sad to watch them fly away.

For Pride, the children made some lovely colourful pictures to be displayed. The children really enjoyed making bright and fun rainbows to go up in the gallery.

Our friends are loving their role play currently, particularly pretending to be ice-cream sellers and asking, “Who wants an ice cream?” in sing-song voices! Their dreams came true when they were able to make their friends real ice creams and getting to eat them made it even better!

May 2024

Leighton Room had fun this week with our very own Upfest on the terrace. The children explored with paint and enjoyed listening to music and having babycinos.

We have been excitedly watching and looking after our caterpillars. Their names are Foxy, Chew, Raccoon, Slaters and Jam. The children had a vote to decide on their names and these were the winners. Now the caterpillars are in their in their cocoons so are very delicate; the children are taking great care of them and can’t wait to see what happens next.

April 2024

In Leighton Room, we have been celebrating lots of different events this month. For St George’s day we talked about George and the dragon, and the children got busy exploring red and white mark making to replicate his flag.

We talked about Earth Day, explaining to the children about recycling and keeping our earth clean and safe. Following on from this they enjoyed creating their own versions of the earth with green and blue tissue paper.

Much to the delight of our little friends, we set up a baking station for chocolate brownie making. The children loved getting to measure and mix, as well as to sample their home made sweet treats – YUM!