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The Beauley Room holds up to 15 of our youngest children aged nine months to two years. This room has a welcoming and homely feel and there are plenty of communication friendly spaces where children can feel safe and secure. These spaces can be used for exploring and playing, as well as interactions with practitioners and friends.

We aim to create a homely feel for children to come in and play, but our number one priority is for our children to feel safe and relaxed at all times. We try to create as many spaces as we can to ensure children have the opportunity to make choices for themselves with what they wish to do.

We have a relaxing story corner with soft toys, cushions, blankets, and plenty of engaging books for the children to get lost in. Our arts and craft area is very popular with our little ones, who love to experiment and explore sensory and messy play. Our favourite area of the room is our beautiful indoor wooden slide where the children can practice their physical skills, for example climbing up the steps and crawling underneath the tunnel.

All of our toys and resources are down at the child’s level so that they can independently access what they would like to play with and make their own choices.

We feel it’s important to use our staff members unique skillsets, so we encourage each member of staff to share their passions with the children – whether it’s getting creative with messy play, improving the children’s confidence with outdoor play or inspiring learning through role play.

See what the Beauley Room have been up to this month:

June 2024

In the month of June, we have had lots of fun celebrating Pride month and the Euros! The children have enjoyed playing with coloured rice, rainbows and decorating our new display in the corridor. We had lots of sticky fun layering coloured tissue paper onto card to cut out letters making “Love is Love” as a title for our gallery. The children have enjoyed showing their love together by giving cuddles and being kind to each other!

We have also got into the Euro’s spirit by celebrating the football season. We set up football themed tuff trays and our friends have loved listening to Euro songs and having a dance. To top it off, we created our own footballs and flags to celebrate with!

Finally, we finished off our celebrating with a well-deserved babyccino from the cafe. Well done Beauley Room!


May 2024

This month we have thoroughly enjoyed indoor and outdoor play. Inside, we have been enjoying looking after our new friends, the caterpillars, and celebrating mental health with role play opportunities and story books. We have enjoyed watching our caterpillars grow from tiny to big caterpillars; have sung our caterpillar song; read our Hungry Caterpillar story sack and engaged in a messy insect tuff tray.

Outside, we have made most of the wonderful weather; we enjoyed a spot of gardening in the garden and playing with the water tray. We have also been on a few trips this month: to the café, park and to take a look at the artists painting at Upfest which has been so much fun!

April 2024

We have been busy bees in the Beauley Room this month! We focused on expressive arts and design by exploring messy play activities such as paint, cereal play and shaving foam. The children have enjoyed getting messy inside and outside and transferring their skills and practice into different environments.

We have also enjoyed our stories and books this month, focusing on our story sacks such as Bear Hunt and Dear Zoo. The children really enjoyed learning all the different animals and playing with our cuddly toys!