Improving the Lives of Older People (ilop)
Following research among older people over 55 in BS3, carried out in conjunction with the University of Bristol, a few themes emerged from these findings.
Improving the Lives of Older People is a community group with the aim of reducing loneliness and isolation. ILOP has created three community projects aimed at addressing this need: Tech and Talk, Alonely Monologues and a Community Retirement Programme.
One of those themes was the isolation caused by the lack of understanding of computer technology and the era of the “Internet of Things”; on-line shopping, email etc.
Also, in today’s community, there is a lack of recognition of the effects of isolation in older people. These possibilities become critical nearer the point of retirement.
See how ilop can help
A social and computer café for over 55's to come to a safe environment to ask questions about tech
Alonely Performances are designed to provide space for discussion and understanding of loneliness
Bringing local people at the point of retirement together for mutual understanding and support