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  •  As we have over 300 children on our waiting list, most families wait on average 18 months from the date of application for a place, with some waiting in excess of this. We are constantly monitoring the waiting list to see where we can slot families in but all spaces are subject to availability so we cannot guarantee timeframes unfortunately.

  • Any information that we need to communicate and share with parents and carers on our waiting list will come from Family Services via email. If you are going on maternity or paternity leave, please make sure the email address we have for you is not a work one.


  • Family Services are available via email and phone from 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday.

  • At the point where we are making offers, we normally work at least a couple of months in advance of a suggested start date as we know families might need to give notice elsewhere or rearrange other aspects of their lives.

  • It is difficult to predict when exactly we might be able to offer places due to fluctuations on the waiting list and us not having a clear picture of what the occupancy would be too far in the future. For example, families currently registered may book extra sessions which could reduce our capacity but equally families may leave our service which may increase our capacity, so it’s tricky to predict what the situation will be like. This is why we do not make solid predictions about start dates until we make you an offer.

  • As we have a waiting list of over 300 children, we are unable to periodically check in with those families on our list until we can offer a place to a child. However, we are happy to provide waiting list updates upon request once your child has been on the list for at least 12 months. This is so we have a better idea of where they are at and how things are moving.


  • We are unable to provide waiting list updates over the phone or by visiting one of our centres unless a pre-booked appointment has been arranged.

  • Once you have been on the waiting list for 12 months we are able to provide waiting list updates. We would recommend waiting at least 4-6 months between updates. This is because you are unlikely to see significant movement on your place until you have waited about this long, even if your preferences have altered in the meantime.

  • We appreciate it can be difficult to predict which sessions you will need. It is best to give us as much information as you can whether this is specifying the exact sessions and days or a rough idea of 2-3 full day session per week. You are welcome to update you session preferences at any point by emailing

  • We appreciate families often apply to our waiting list in advance, so you are welcome to update us on your session preferences and start date at any point by emailing Changes to preference will not affect your overall place on our waiting list.

  • On average families will wait 18 months from point of application to being offered a space but some families will wait in excess of this. If your preferred start date is less than 18 months from your point of application, we always recommend families have a plan b in place in case we are unable to offer your child sessions in the time frame you require.”


  • If you have been on our waiting list in excess of 18 months and you haven’t heard from us, please do get in contact by emailing and we can provide you with a waiting list update.

  • We find that Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are our busiest and most desired days. Therefore, if you are interested in a Monday or Friday session it can help you move up the waiting list quicker.

  • We are able to push a start date back by a maximum of two weeks.


  • Turning down a space offered by us will not affect your overall position on our waiting list however, it will likely increase your wait time by many months in excess of the average 18 months. This is because another child will have been booked into those session choices and will likely have them until they leave us for Primary School.

  • Starting your child on fewer sessions than you originally asked for and if you are able to take one of our quieter days (Mondays or Fridays) means that you can use our internal waiting list to your advantage. We are able to place children registered with us on our internal waiting list which sits above our external waiting list. This means you would be offered sessions before the majority of families on our list when they became available. Whilst the internal waitlist will improve your chance of getting additional sessions faster than the external list families, we cannot guarantee you would get the days you need. Therefore, we always suggest that you have a plan B option as a back-up.