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Planting Project 2024

The gardening project 2024 started in early May when we excitedly accepted our second delivery of seedlings from Blaise Nurseries. This year our set up has had an upgrade. We have created a mini allotment in the Southville Centre garden with two large planting beds and a few large planters, rather than plants on the terrace and in the building entrance.

This has made a huge difference to the look and feel of the project as well as vastly improving our outdoor provision. The children are loving having the fruit and veg growing in their space which had provided them with ample opportunities to engage on a daily basis. This page is a space to follow our journey, from planting our little seedlings to seeing them grow and produce yummy fruit and veg for us to enjoy!

Week 8 – 24 June 2024

Week 7 – 17 June 2024

This week we have seen some excellent growth in our planting beds.

The sugar snap peas were ready to harvest and the children couldn’t wait to help out. The children in Stackpool Room had a sunny group session outside where they talked about how tall our plants had grown and the best way to water them (not in direct sun light.)

“We are planning to eat them for a snack and our friends are very excited to sample food that they have helped to grow.” Abbey – Stackpool Room

We also saw success with out first (almost full size) yellow courgette. Last year, bugs stopped our courgettes getting off the ground, so we were really chuffed to have made progress already this year.

Week 5 – 3 June 2024

Week 4 – 27 May 2024

Week 3 – 20 May 2024

Week 2 – 13 May 2024

Week 1 – 6 May 2024